Is there too much choice, too much information,too much noise, over regulation and excess in contemporary urban living?
Do we need zones of non-consumption: facilities or prostheses to survive everyday life?
Perhaps unsurprisingly, recent research by Kaplan and Berman, psychologists at University of Michigan has found that a short urban walk can cause cognitive deficits compared to a walk in the park because natural settings do not require the same amount of cognitive effort. The concept of ART Attention Restoration Theory, suggests that immersion in nature may have a restorative effect (p21) Could small scale interventions - a glimpse of growth in unexpected places within the urban commercial environment have some of the same effects? Personal experience of comparing london Victoria to a rural walk would definitely support this.
An anlysis of the distribution of colour in the same 200 yards in north street Brighton on monday looks like this : separation from the text, noise and people it looks less demanding ...
A sample of a record of text from shop fronts and displays of about 200 yds of North street Brighton on Monday looks like this : one aspect of information overload.