How do we cope with the world around us?
i am interested in finding lateral,playful and explorative solutions to contemporary dilemmas:
too much choice, too much information, too much signage, over regulation and excess.
Do we need zones of non-consumption? Do we need prostheses to survive everyday life?
Background noise everywhere is making it more and more difficult to have a conversation. Ambient music in bars raises speaking levels - urban noise from traffic, bars, clubs, extended licensing has made this to 24 hour experience. Do we need some kind of prostheses so that we can hear each other in public spaces? Our friend Gregory currently in As You Like it at the Globe is also interested in the potential to provide audiences with a device to help them hear the actors.. we visited the Globe for some active research..
A few wild flower seeds have created a meadow alongside this otherwise grey utilitarian path, that winds down between a couple of tower blocks in Brighton. Makes a meadow out of grassy bank.

Recently Willliam Leith has identified the risks of the apparent convenience of 24 living. More evidence to support my hypothesis. Do we need some way to protect ourselves from this over-stimulation? Time out?